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Purchasing a membership to Nurse Power Network Inner Circle ensures it stays strong, active and valuable to you.

Monthly Nurse Power Network Inner Circle
Every month
Unlock the doors to your career success with Inner Circle, Nurse Power Network’s membership platform
Valid until canceled
3 day free trial
OnDemand Videos & Monthly Meetings with Inner Circle Coaches
Special Event Rates and Priority Access
Thriving community full of #NursePower
Worksheets, templates and detailed guidebooks
LIVE eCourses monthly from our industry experts
Invitation to a private “Huddle Station”
Inclusion & Access to Member Directory of fellow members
Priority Seating to all NPN events
10% off all NPN events

Nurse Power Network Inner Circle
Every year
Unlock the doors to your career success with Inner Circle, Nurse Power Network’s membership platform
Valid until canceled
3 day free trial
OnDemand Videos & Monthly Meetings with Inner Circle Coaches
Special Event Rates and Priority
Thriving community full of #NursePower
Worksheets, templates and detailed guidebooks
LIVE eCourses monthly from our industry experts
Invitation to a private “Huddle Station”
Inclusion & Access to Member Directory
Priority Seating to all NPN events
10% off all NPN eventAccess
30% plan savings vs. monthly option